Building on what Sarah says, I'd like to ask if you ever noticed something about an interaction that others didn't? Perhaps something in the intonation of the person opposite or the way they hold their body? If yes, the good news is that you're not alone! The even BETTER news is that there is a high chance you are Highly Sensitive. But what exactly is a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)?
Around 20% of the world's population is estimated to be Highly Sensitive – a huge number for something that is not that well-known or discussed. HSP's naturally have a nervous system that is attuned to a higher level and are therefore more adept at being able to pick up on micro-messages. A type of neurodiversity, this trait is not gender bias in any way and has even been found to exist in 100 species of animal! Being as they pick these micro-messages up more easily, HSP's are more affected by them. Building on Sarah Tabet's excellent book, I would like to add neurodiversity and HSP's into the discussion of inclusion.
For more on HSP's, I highly recommend 'The Highly Sensitive Person Podcast' series
Being a Highly Sensitive Person with Julie Bjelland | Campion Consultants"All it takes is one – one person to care and commit to act. Inclusion starts with U."